- "VMOKSHA" recruits FRESHERS, 2006 / 2007 Passout
- "INTERPLEX " Freshers Walk-In : On 24 Dec 2007
- "L&T Infotech" Offcampus Recruitment : Dec 29 -2007
- "CaliberPoint Solutions" Recruitment Freshers(0-...
- "SONATA SOFTWARE " Recruitment for Freshers
- "Vsys india pvt ltd" Recruits Fresh Developers De...
- "CDT (India) Pvt Ltd" Fresher Walk-in : On 28 De...
- "PATNI" Needs Software Enginneer
- "Sasken communication" Needs Software Developers
- "Trigent Software Ltd" Needs Soft Developer
- "Reliance" Looking for Fresher(0-5Yrs
- "NEXSUS TECHNO" Freshers Walk-in
- "BIRLAMEDIASOFT" recruits FRESHERS(walk-in)
- "SIEMENS" : Recruitment for Freshers
- "ISRO" Looking for Graduates
- "Value Consulting" walk-in for Freshers
- "Dell" walk-in Recruitment for Freshers
- "VisionBeyond' Needs Freshers(0-4)Yrs( walk-in)
- "Apex Technology" Needs Freshers ( walk-in)
- "Virtusa (India) Pvt Ltd" Offcampus Freshers
- "ADARSH SOLUTIONS" recruits FRESHERS - walkin
- "Cognizant " Freshers Offcampus Drive - PLUS Result
- "Ospro Systems" Needs (walk-in) for Freshers
- "Travancore Software" Needs Freshers (walk-in)
- "SIEMENS" : Recruitment for Freshers
- "Patni Computers" - Off-campus All India Recruitme...
- " BSNL - ( BHARAT SANCHAR) " Recruitment for Freshers
- "SYNTEL": Recruitment for Fresher : Graduate
- "GOOGLE" Recruitment for Freshers Graduates
- "SONATA SOFTWARE" - Recruitment for Freshers
- "HONEYWELL" recruits FRESHERS, Trainee
- "SIEMENS" Recruitment for Freshers

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