"Cetpa Infotech" Freshers Walk-in : On 3rd & 4th Jan2008
"Cetpa Infotech"
Job Description
Eligibility: B-tech/BE/MCA/Any Graduate/ Diploma Holder (Fresher or Experienced).
Interview Date: 3rd Jan. '08 for Normal Graduates/Diploma Holder's
4th Jan '08 for B-Tech/BE/MCA
Requirement on Interview Day: Two copies of resume along with two passport size photographs.
Venue: CETPA InfoTech Pvt. Ltd..,
SF-30, Parsavnath Bibhab plaza,
Near Bank of Maharashtra, Alpha-1st,
Greater Noida
Phone: 0120-6454074, 09212172602, 9911824682
Website: http://www.cetpainfotech.com
Job Details:
The selected candidates shall be governed by following company policies and terms & conditions:-
- Company shall provide six months extensive training and thereafter, a minimum period of two years of commitment to be with the company is mandatory.
- During training period, company provides a stipend of Rs.3,000/- PM plus free boarding and lodging at Bangalore.
- After training, there shall be probation period of six months. During this period, company provides fixed salary of Rs.5,000/- PM plus variable salary of Rs.3,000/- PM to Rs.6,000/- PM depending upon their project deployments plus free accommodation.
- On completion of probation period, the employees become confirmed employees and company provides fixed salary of Rs.8,400/- PM plus variable salary of Rs.3,000/- PM to Rs.6,000/- PM depending upon their project deployments plus free accommodation plus Rs.1,500/- PM contribution towards employees ICICI prudential insurance cum investment plan.
- On completion of two years, company provides fixed salary of Rs.16,000/- PM plus variable salary of Rs.3,000/- PM to Rs.6,000/- PM depending upon their project deployments plus free accommodation plus Rs.1,500/- PM contribution towards employees ICICI prudential insurance cum investment plan.
- On completion of three years, company provides fixed salary of Rs.24,000/- PM plus variable salary of Rs.3,000/- PM to Rs.6,000/- PM depending upon their project deployments plus free accommodation plus Rs.1,500/- PM contribution towards employees ICICI prudential insurance cum investment plan.
- Company already has more than 150 employees and has already defined all processes for hierarchy and growth of employees. The company has shown phenomenon growth in the last four years and is working on various domestic and overseas projects, all in its Finacle domain.
About Company
BBSSL is a Registered and an ISO 9001 2000 certified company with INR 10 Million authorized capital. It is a Zero debt company operating in its own premises. The structure of the organization is a flat employee oriented. The Senior Management Team (SMT) comprises of professionals with over 300 man-years of ripe experience in providing Banking and IT Solutions. This SMT has proven track record in growing businesses. Apart from this, there are more than 150 dedicated resources and large pool of independent consultants. This number is likely to increase to 200 by March 2008. High bonding work-culture and social cause driven employment is what we thrive for and our main strategy is: -
Focus on Banking and Financial Markets
Infosys Banking Product "Finacle" is our main domain and we possess expertise in Implementation, Version Migration, Customizations, Trainings and Support
Special Emphasis on Trainings (Infosys approved faculties)
Global partner to INFOSYS and India partners to HP, WIPRO & ABN Amro Bank
About Company
BBSSL is a Registered and an ISO 9001 2000 certified company with INR 10 Million authorized capital. It has its Headquarters in Bangalore at BTM IV stage and it got many other offices across the country.
High bonding work-culture and social cause driven employment is what we thrive for and our main strategy is: -
Focus on Banking and Financial Markets
Infosys Banking Product "Finacle" is our main domain and we possess expertise in Implementation, Version Migration, Customizations, Trainings and Support
Special Emphasis on Trainings (Infosys approved faculties)
Global partner to INFOSYS and India partners to HP, WIPRO & ABN Amro Bank
Additional Information
Job Category: Software, Hardware, EDP
Job Location: Delhi, Noida
Key Skills: The candidate must have good Logic and communications skills and positive attitude is important. Exposure to Database will be helpful
Job Ref code: EMP01221
Role: Fresher Trainee

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