" BSNL - ( BHARAT SANCHAR) " Recruitment for Freshers
( A Govt. of India Enterprise )
Northern Telecom Region, New Delhi
Recruitment for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTAs)
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Northern Telecom Region, New Delhi invites applications typed on A4 size paper in the prescribed proforma from eligible candidates for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTAs) for the year 2007 vacancies
1. Vacancy: 20 Posts : SC(03), ST (01), OBC (05), Ex- Ser (02), OC (09) Total 20
2. Pay Scale : Rs.7100-200-10100 (IDA) plus usual allowances as per rules
3. Eligibility :
a) Educational and other qualification : Three years Engineering Diploma in : Telecommunications Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Radio Engineering / Computer Engineering / M.Sc (Electronics) / Instruments Technology from a recognized
institute /university as on 28.12.2007 Candidates possessing higher qualification like B.E. or B. Tech. in the respective stream will also be eligible.
b) Age limit : (i) Between 18 to 27 years. (as on 28-12-2007)
4) Fee:
(i) For General Category, Rs.500/=(Rs. Five Hundred only.) non-refundable by demand draft payable to Account Officer (Cash), NTR, BSNL, at New Delhi. The examination fee will non refundable in any case.
5. Closing date of application:- The applications completed in all respect along with the attested photocopies of the documents should be sent by Registered Post only
addressed to the
Asstt. Director (R&E)
O/o the Chief General Manager (MTCE)
Northern Telecom Region,
Room No : 266,
Kidwai Bhawan, Janpath,
New Delhi Pin 110001
so as reach in this office on or before 28.12.2007 by 1700 Hrs. positively.
Application received after the closing date or incomplete in any respect, shall be summarily rejected and no communication in respect of the rejected application forms shall be entertained. BSNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The envelope containing the application form should be marked with heading as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TTA".
( A Govt. of India Enterprise )
Northern Telecom Region, New Delhi
Recruitment for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTAs)
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Northern Telecom Region, New Delhi invites applications typed on A4 size paper in the prescribed proforma from eligible candidates for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTAs) for the year 2007 vacancies
1. Vacancy: 20 Posts : SC(03), ST (01), OBC (05), Ex- Ser (02), OC (09) Total 20
2. Pay Scale : Rs.7100-200-10100 (IDA) plus usual allowances as per rules
3. Eligibility :
a) Educational and other qualification : Three years Engineering Diploma in : Telecommunications Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Radio Engineering / Computer Engineering / M.Sc (Electronics) / Instruments Technology from a recognized
institute /university as on 28.12.2007 Candidates possessing higher qualification like B.E. or B. Tech. in the respective stream will also be eligible.
b) Age limit : (i) Between 18 to 27 years. (as on 28-12-2007)
4) Fee:
(i) For General Category, Rs.500/=(Rs. Five Hundred only.) non-refundable by demand draft payable to Account Officer (Cash), NTR, BSNL, at New Delhi. The examination fee will non refundable in any case.
5. Closing date of application:- The applications completed in all respect along with the attested photocopies of the documents should be sent by Registered Post only
addressed to the
Asstt. Director (R&E)
O/o the Chief General Manager (MTCE)
Northern Telecom Region,
Room No : 266,
Kidwai Bhawan, Janpath,
New Delhi Pin 110001
so as reach in this office on or before 28.12.2007 by 1700 Hrs. positively.
Application received after the closing date or incomplete in any respect, shall be summarily rejected and no communication in respect of the rejected application forms shall be entertained. BSNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The envelope containing the application form should be marked with heading as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TTA".
Fax: 22460649To receive more details join here Receive Now

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