"Srijan Technologies" Needs Freshers(0-4)Yrs
"Srijan Technologies"
Job Description:
The applicant could be from a programming or design background - either is fine and useful for us - although we do prefer someone from a programming background with interest or experience in PHP and PHP-based open source Content Management Systems, such as TYPO3, Drupal, Joomla, others.
Applicant must be able to demonstrate some templates which get validated at: http://validator.w3.org/
Would depend upon the speed and diversity of skills and experience you bring on. However, Srijan is quite decent with pay scales.
We have 2 offices in Nehru Place, New Delhi, for which we are looking for these openings.
About Company:
To learn more about us, please visit:
- http://blogs.srijan.in/2007/09/07/why-work-with-srijan/
- http://www.srijan.in/fileadmin/docRepository/srijan_introduction.pdf
- http://www.srijan.in/fileadmin/docRepository/A_Better_Way_To_Work.pdf
- http://srijanfoundation.wordpress.com/ : Social arm of our company
Aditional Information
Experience: 0 - 4 years
Job Category: Software, Hardware, EDP
Job Location: Delhi
Key Skills: CSS, XHTML
Industry: IT/ Computers - Software
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