"Exa India Pvt Ltd" Recruits Web Developer
"Exa India Pvt Ltd"
"Exa India Pvt Ltd" Recruits Web Developer"Exa India Pvt Ltd"
1 - 3 Years
Rupees 1,00,000 - 3,00,000
Register through www.exa.co.in/jobs to complete a short preliminary test.
Register through www.exa.co.in/jobs to complete a short preliminary test.
UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization
PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization
Industry Type:
IT-Software/ Software Services
Functional Area:
E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Job Description
Extensive hands-on experience with Photoshop, HTML, Javascript, CSS, Front-page and Dreamweaver.
Expert knowledge of HTML 4.0, XHTML, DHTML, CSS and JavaScript; Strong knowledge of web standards is a must.
Passionate towards websites
Expert knowledge of HTML 4.0, XHTML, DHTML, CSS and JavaScript; Strong knowledge of web standards is a must.
Passionate towards websites
Desired Candidate Profile
Designing and Development of Websites. Develop clean and structured HTML 4.0, XHTML 2.0, CSS, JavaScript and Flash code for front-end design projects. Working with Slicing, Mocks, Web Forms, PSDS, AJAX for website frontend.
Company Profile
Exa, Australia's leading web marketing and IT Solutions Company with ambitious plans of expansion in India looking forward to inherit the mutual growth by recruiting indispensable & prolific manpower. Exa has sustained 200% to 300% growth yearly.
Contact Details
Company Name:
Exa India Pvt Ltd
Executive Name:
Namrata Mehtalia...
Reference ID:

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