Walk-In @ "NET SYSTEMS" : From Monday to Friday
Walk-In @ "NET SYSTEMS" : From Monday to Friday
Net Systems Informatics (I) Pvt Ltd ( www.n-syst.com )
Net Systems Informatics (India) Private Limited is a fast growing organization specializing in Knowledge Management & Accessibility. We are pioneers in working with people with disabilities and technology.
In the Knowledge Management area, our core services include:
* Development of Instructor-Led Training
* E-learning development
* Software documentation
* Content digitization
Our vision is to break the barriers of knowledge & disability!
Trainee Technical Writer
Job Description :
If you have a flair for Writing & Technology and are looking for a fast growing profession, this is an excellent opportunity �where you can learn different technologies
Why Technical Writer position?
We will push you out of your comfort zone! We will challenge you while providing you the opportunity to utilize and further develop your writing and technology skills.
As a Trainee Technical Writer you will be exposed to different types of documentation and styles of writing. You will have the potential to rotate to new challenges within the first year.
Assignments could fall within the following areas :
- Instructor Led Training
- E-learning
- Content Digitization
- Courseware Development
- Software Documentation
What qualities do we seek from you?
- Do you have a good command over spoken and written English?
- Do you enjoy working with different technologies?
- Do you have an eye for details?
- Do you deal effectively with people and work with flexibility and integrity?
- Do you have proven leadership abilities?
- Are you highly motivated and work well in a fast paced environment?
- Are you committed to the success of a company and to your personal growth and development?
If you have these qualities, Trainee Technical Writer position is the one for you!
Qualifications :
- Bachelor's degree (with good communication skills) / B.Tech / B.E. Comp / BSc. IT / BCA /MSc. IT/ MCA / Diploma in Advanced Computing
- Career development is based on performance and interest.
If the stated profile interests you, Call
Name : HR - Ms. Ramya
Phone : 022 - 26858004 / 26853357.Ext - 117
Please Walk-in for a grammar test between 11- 5 (Monday to Friday)
Location : Mumbai
Maximum Experience : 0-1 years
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Software Testing JOBS & Interview Questions (FAQ)

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