"WIPRO Technologies" Needs FRESHERS, 2006 & 2007 Passout
"WIPRO Technologies"
"WIPRO Technologies" Needs FRESHERS, 2006 & 2007 Passout
Opportunity for B.Sc Graduates to become a part of Ted Team
Wipro offers Executive Post Graduate Diploma in HR Management (EPGDHRM) Program for non-engineering graduates meeting the academic requirements of the partnering academia. The selected candidates would work within Wipro as TED Executives and would also be provided an opportunity to pursue an EPGDHRM program from SIBM.
All full time graduates (BA / BSc / B.Com / BBA) who have passed out in 2007/2006 from a statutory university
The academic scores of the graduates at the degree level should be greater than or equal to 50%
Selection Process
The selection process will include a Written Test, Group Discussion and HR Interview
1. To handle Operations of various HR processes and do analysis of different reports/MIS
2. Interface with internal clients and resolve issues
3. Support induction of new joinees at the BU level
4. Conduct exit interviews Bands A1, A2 and A3
5. Support and drive closure during organization wide initiatives
6. Celebrations SBU / BU specific
7. Support People engagement activities at the SBU / BU level
How to apply?
Candidates, who fulfill the above eligibility criteria, can apply Online under the Fresher Section at http://careers.wipro.com -> Wipro in Campus -> Wipro Fresher Program to JC 46625: TED Executive
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