Walk-In @ "IBM Netsol" : Freshers On 7, 8 Jan 2008
"IBM Netsol"
Walk-In @ "IBM Netsol" : Freshers On 7, 8 Jan 2008Netsol (An IBM Company, www.netsol.co.in) is an acknowledged expert at effectively combining technical expertise and domain knowledge to offer customized solutions that alleviate the customer's pain points. We partner with our customers in conceptualizing and implementing infrastructure solutions that would align IT initiatives with business goals in the best possible way. Since its inception in 1993, Netsol has built an enviable reputation of having designed, deployed and managed many of India 's mission-critical networks.
IBM Netsol is hiring Fresher.
Intrested candidates can WALK IN for an interview on 7th Jan 08 & 8th Jan 08 between 10am-4pm
Venue: Network Solutions Pvt Ltd-An IBM Company
Pressman House,70 A, Nehru Road, Near Orchid Hotel,
Vile Parle(E), Mumbai-400099
Contact-Rathish Raj, Mansi Barve
Candidate should be intrested to work on Technical profile -IT Hardware Networking
Candidate should be an Bsc, BCA or Diploma (polytechnic).

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