"Perot Systems " looking for Freshers
"Perot Systems "
"Perot Systems " looking for FreshersPerot Systems Corporation, ( (www.perotsystems.com)) is the youngest global software and Infrastructure services provider assessed enterprise-wide at Level 5 for SEI-CMMI and at Level 5 for P-CMM. With operations spread over 22 countries, over 3000 professionals, global facilities supporting 24 x 7 operations, a proven offshore model, we have successfully executed several challenging and complex projects. We are among the top 10 software companies in India.
Designation: Management Trainee - Finance
Job Description: Financial Planning & Analysis
Desired Profile: Throughout 1st divisioner B.COM Fresher-2007 passouts
Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Candidates eligible for this program should be 1st divisioner throughout their academics i e from 10th to Graduation along with excellent communication skills.

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