Walk-In @ "PRECISION INFOMATIC" : On 29, 30 Aug 2007
Walk-In @ "PRECISION INFOMATIC" : On 29, 30 Aug 2007
Precision Infomatic
Precision Techserve Pvt Ltd, headquartered in Chennai with branches all over India is into IT-Infrastructure Management Services and Network Integration business. Currently looking in for the following post for its reputed client in Bangalore.
Recruitment for Technical Help Desk
Work Location Bangalore
Job profile
- Technical voice support(Intra circle-Within company)
- Flair for customer support.
- Technical knowledge in terms of handling desktop, internal network etc.,
- Any graduates with excellent communication skills
- Certifications like MCSE, MCSA, CCNA will be preferred
- Interpersonal skills and Team player.
- Flexible with shifts.
- Motivated, Initiative.
- Self Starter
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements can directly walkin for an interview in the below mentioned address.
Date and Timings - 29th and 30th Aug 08 between 10am to 5 pm
Contact Details
Name Mr. BL Ravi / Ms. Uma
Phone 080-41161645
Venue: Precision Techserve Pvt Ltd
No-707, 9th A Main, 1st stage,
Indira Nagar, Bangalore-560038
Landmark: Near C.M.H Hospital
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