"DTTE" Freshers Walk-In : On 17 Nov 2007
"DTTE" Freshers Walk-In : On 17 Nov 2007Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Muni Maya Ram Marg, Near TV Tower,
Pitampura - Delhi - 110088
Appointment of Faculty on Contract Basis for College of Art
Walk-In-interview on 17/11/2007 between 11 AM to 4 PM to be held at College of Art for appointment to the following posts on contract basis for the different specialisation in College of Art, Tilak Marg, New Delhi.
Professor : 05 posts (Applied Art-2, Sculpture-1, Painting-2 (OBC-1))
Asst. Professor : 05 posts (Applied Art-3 (OBC-1), Painting-2)
Lecturer : 09 posts (Applied Art-5 (SC-1,OBC-1), Sculpture -2 (OBC-1), Painting-2)
Payment of consolidated remuneration to the contract appointed teacing staff will be based on the minimum of the scale of pay of posts plus allowances, without HRA. However, for retired persons if appointed, Govt. guidelines regarding last pay drawn minum pension will be made applicable. Appointments to above posts are purely a stop gap arrangement and will be for a period of one year which , if required can be exeptended at absolute discretion of the Government. The retired persons upto the age of 65 years may also apply.
Qualification :
Professor : Applied Art/Painting/Sculpture-Masters Degree in Fine Arts from recognised University with 12 years of professional/teaching exp. or Bachelors degree in Fine Arts from a recognised University with 15 years of teaching experience out of which 5 years should be at the level of Asst. Prof. in both cases.
Asst. Professor : Master's degree in fine Arts from recognised University or equivalent with 5 years of professional/teaching exp. OR Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from a recognised University or equivalent with 7 years of teaching professional experience.
Lecturer : Masters degree in appropriate branc of Fine Arts from a recognised university or equivalent (desirable professional/teaching exp.) or Bachelor degree in appropirate branch of Fine arts with 2 years of teaching/professional experience.
Interested persons may appear for Interivew by submitting the application on plain paper enclosing therewith complete Bio-Data and attested copy of degree/certificates in the Chamber of Principal, College of Art, Tilak Marg, New Delhi on 17 Nov 2007 between 11 AM to 4 PM.
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