"Satyam" Offcampus for Freshers : 24 Nov 2007
"Satyam" Offcampus for Freshers : 24 Nov 2007
Satyam Computers
BTech/MCA - 2008 (Outside Kerala can confirm and can write provided Satyam issues Hall Tickets for them after screening) on 24th November 2007
Batch : 2008
Only Candidates who have already been placed in other companies (in On-Campus/Off Campus drive) of repute are eligible.
Date : Saturday, 24th November 2007
Venue : Will be announced Later
Reporting Time :
- Please note that candidate has to carry their College ID Card or any Photo Identity Proof and Three Passport size Color Photographs without which candidate is not eligible to participate in recruitment process.
- Reporting time as given in Satyam Hallticket (which will be issued to candidates few days before the test by email.)
- Candidates should bring both Satyam Hall Tickets and SHREDS Hall Tickets to the test venue.
- Reporting time against SHREDS register number will be available here 2days before the test.
- 60%+ in X, XII,Degree for MCA , 60% BTech, MCA
- A provision of 5% less allowed (in either X or XII or Bsc for MCA only)
- A total of two backlogs overall (live and cleared included), is allowed
- Academic Break: Candidates with academic break of more than one year are not eligible.
- Age not more than 23yrs for BEs & 24yrs for MCAs
Colleges : All Kerala colleges, Outside Kerala eligible on approval by company
Eligible Branches
Branches :
- BE / BTech All branches (except Architecture, Fire & Safety, Ship Building, Polymer, Bio Technology, Bio Medical)
- MCA (Outside Kerala colleges also)
Type of test : General Aptitude& HR Interview ( No GD)
Salary(CTC) : 3 lakhs
Since the date is postponed, new confirmation link is put up. Candidates are requested to confirm again and send mails once more.
The candidate would have to email across the company details where he/she is already placed with across apart from registering for the drive with you. This is a mandatory requirement for participating in the recruitment drive.
To receive more details join here Receive Now

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